Status: Members Only |
Site Latitude:N51.90546 | Height ASL Meters:328m |
Site Longitude:W002.992672 | Height ASL Feet:1075ft |
Wind Direction:NE - ESE | Height Top to Bottom Meters:220m |
Best Direction: ENE | Height Top to Bottom Feet:730ft |
Minimum BHPA Rating Hang Gliding: BHPA CP rating | Member status:Members Only |
Minimum BHPA Rating Paragliding:BHPA CP rating | OS Grid Reference and Prefix:SO 318 234 |
DO NOT PARK in the old fields.
Parking up the hill has changed
From the A465 on minor roads. Please observe the Club’s one way traffic system whenever possible (drawn on map). Larger vehicles may have to use the up road in both directions.
This is an extremely sensitive site; drive slowly and with consideration for local residents.
The parking situation is extremely sensitive at this site and the use of the field is restricted when it is wet to prevent vehicles driving across the field causing ruts.
At the upper crossroads please go through the gate with the sign marked Parking for Hang/Paragliders. This sign can be removed if ground conditions are too wet, so if there is no sign please park at the Pandy Inn alternative and walk up. SEE PHOTOS and link BELOW
• Field access is from 1st April and 30th October subject to dry field condition. The Green SEWHGPGC sign will be fitted on the gate confirming it is available for use. However, even with the sign on the gate, please use your judgement and if the field is wet and muddy and you feel your vehicle could get stuck or you could cause damage to the field, do not enter the field.
• Parking of the cars in 2020 is to be on the established grass, not the re-seeded area along the hedges.
• Only walk in and out of the field through the road gate, DO NOT cross the fields between take-off and the parking field.These are owned by a different farmer and a new fence is due to be erected between them.
• On the day of usage the gate can be left open (unless cattle are in the field) as it is intended to just graze cattle during the winter months. So if you are the last car leaving the field please shut the gate after you leave.
• Be aware of main hump of soil in the access gate, although this is hoped to be levelled off.
• We hope to run string and electric fence posts along the edge of the re-seeded grass to make the parking area more obvious.
• The field parking agreement is a condition of continued access for the club with the Brecon Beacons National Park.
• Do not park on roadside verges.
If the top field is unavailable due to time of year or wet conditions: Either shuttle gliders up in a vehicle and park at the Pandy Inn or bottom landing field and walk up. Please ring ahead and check with the Pandy Inn Landlord to confirm this is OK. Pandy Inn number 01873 890208.
After you call, post your response for others to see on the Telegram group – “SEW Sites Reports”. This will avoid the landlord receiving multiple phone calls asking the same question.
If the landlord agrees we can use the pub car park for the day, it would be a nice idea if pilots could visit the pub after flying to show we appreciate the gesture.
Street view link opens in new window
Latitude: N51.897505
Longitude: W002.967648
You can park in the car park of the Old Pandy Inn (NP7 8DR) and walk up (approximately 30 minutes) if you have got permission from the landlord (see the ‘Parking Warning’ tab). Please make an effort to buy a drink or snack in the pub later if you can.
From the A465 on minor roads. Please observe the Club’s one way traffic system whenever possible (drawn on map). Driving up to the access gate towards take-off is to be avoided given that there are no longer any parking options adjacent, and the very narrow lanes are very easily and frequently blocked. If you do drive up to drop off hang gliders or multiple people/kit then observe the one way system.
There is now a new parking field accessed from the last crossroads with a SEWHGPGC sign on the gate.
Please read the details on parking in this field and respect them, we do not want to lose the access,
This is an extremely sensitive site; drive slowly and with consideration for local residents.

The parking situation is extremely sensitive at this site – and there is no parking near the take-off anymore, you must walk up from the bottom or share a lift from someone who will then turn around and park at the bottom (probably by the pub).
You can park in the Old Pandy Inn car park at the bottom of the hill (potentially after dropping off you kit if you have enough kit, but if it is just one paraglider you are better walking to avoid getting stuck in traffic on the narrow lanes). Either shuttle gliders up in a vehicle and park at the Old Pandy Inn or park at the Old Pandy Inn and walk up. Please ring ahead and check with the Old Pandy Inn Landlord to confirm this is OK and please bring business to the pub afterwards if able. Old Pandy Inn number 01873 890208.
After you call, post your response for others to see on the Telegram group – “SEW Sites Reports”. This will avoid the landlord receiving multiple phone calls asking the same question.
Bottom take-off (A) is a moderate carry from the car park. Get ready away from the small take-off area and do not block paths. Take-off can be turbulent in strong winds and it is easier to take off on the top take off when it is strong due to shape of the topography (B).
Top landing can be tricky and should be treated with caution. Hang gliders should not attempt to top land whilst flying at min sink. The safest and most predictable top landing area is well back on the shoulder, behind the track. Landing by the trig point is not recommended due to severe rotor. Hang gliders are advised not to attempt to land back on the lower take- off as the air can be very unpredictable.
The main bottom landing field can be identified by a barn in the corner by the gate and is within walking distance of the Old Pandy Inn (for paragliders). Retrieve vehicles can be parked in the field next to the gate, but don’t drive beyond the barn and don’t park on the road.
Note the farmer often plants crop in the second half of the landing field – land in the unplanted half of the field in this case.
The long field to the south of the main field can also be used if necessary providing livestock are not present. Stay clear if there are horses present.
Top Landing General
South East Wales sites often have very large, undefined take off and top landing areas, which may change position according to conditions. To avoid the potential for collision, pilots making a top landing should keep well away from gliders taking off, who may in some cases have limited visibility.
A scenic site with a ridge of around 10 Km (6 miles). In the right conditions it is possible to jump the gap (“the Cat’s Back”) at the end of the ridge and fly on to Hay Bluff. Beware, the site can be turbulent in strong winds, particularly when it’s off to the North.
Rotor can be severe in strong winds. Beware of rotor behind the large tree to the North of the lower take-off. Paragliders should not allow themselves to drop much below the lower ridge due to the turbulence caused by the trees not far below.
Do not get caught behind the Cat’s Back in strong winds due to turbulence.
Maximum of 2 competitions per year. Brecon Beacons National Park must be notified of all competitions via the club committee.
Club Pilots with less than 10 hours, or a red ribbon, must fly under the supervision of an experienced pilot or Club Coach. Pilots can choose to keep their ribbon beyond 10 hours if they are not confident, so they are ideal candidates for coaching.
Do not pass gliders over hedges, walls or fences. Always use gates and close them after use. Do not drive through other gates or park on the common.
Do not drive on the Common or take off from the Cat’s Back.
The site is closed between 1st – 21st May to allow stock to be settled on the hillside.
SEW Members Only Site. You must have in date membership subscription to SEWHGPGC. SEW helmet sticker to be stuck on your helmet at all times.
Brecon Beacons National Park.
Great site for XC, whether it be running up the ridge hand railing Offa’s Dyke trail towards the Cat’s Back crossing or getting high and jumping back along the east ridges back towards Abergavenny and so on.
Site record
PG – Simon Green flew 104.3 km from Pandy on his Advance Omega 8 on 19 April 2014.

All rights belong to Google Inc. SEWHGPGC is a nonprofit making organisation.
If you require further advice about a particular SEWHGPGC site please contact a Club Coach. Please report all accidents to The Club Safety & Training Officer Steve Millson and the BHPA. Please visit the BHPA for the most current Incident Report Form.
This document is a guide only.
We advise that anyone Hang Gliding and Paragliding conduct a dynamic risk assessment prior to flying any site. This should be continuously re-assessed due to the changeable conditions of the outdoor environment.
All individuals are advised to take the following into account when making their dynamic risk assessment:
Paragliding and Hang Gliding are dangerous sports that can cause serious injury including bodily harm, paralysis and death. Flying SEW sites is undertaken with the full knowledge that Paragliding and Hang Gliding involves such risks. As the pilot you take exclusive responsibility for all risks associated with your part taking in the sport.
Any liability claims towards the club are excluded.
If you are not sure. DO NOT FLY.
In the Mountains/Rivers/Lakes
Dial 999/112 and ask for the Police and then Mountain Rescue. If you are away from the road side then dial 999/112 and ask for the Police and then Mountain Rescue explaining your circumstances. If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999 Emergency Services by SMS. NB you must register this prior to an emergency.
In an emergency 999 need to know:
Who is Calling?
Your name and mobile number.
Briefly, what is the problem, including the state of the casualty. Ensure you use the buzzword Fall From Height
and Remote Location.
Pandy ridge on Offa’s Dyke trail East side of The Black Mountains (Brecon Beacons National Park) near Pandy town on the A465.